Mobile phones

Environmental benefits: 77 per cent of the UK population has at least one mobile phone and these are replaced approximately every 18 months. Mobile phones contain toxic substances, which, when disposed of in landfill sites, can leak into the surrounding soil and pollute it.

How to recycle: Several schemes exist which collect and refurbish or recycle mobile phones. Some charity shops may collect mobile phones. For example, Oxfam run the Bring Bring scheme, which can turn unwanted mobile phones into money to support their work.

Fonebak collects used mobiles for refurbishment and sends them to emerging markets in developing countries. All you have to do is freepost your phone to them. Cellular reclamation ltd can provide collecting boxes for charities, community groups, etc. CRUMP (campaign to recycle unwanted mobile phones) from child advocacy international sell donated phones to be recycled with the money support healthcare for children affected by poverty.

Useful links:
Recycle now – mobile phones

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